
Create. Process. Profile. Extract. Anywhere. Anytime.

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Umango is a batch scanning application that delivers speed and efficiency in scanning, naming, indexing and storing of documents.

Documents can be scanned from supported multifunction devices or scanners, or imported from network folders. Data can be extracted and profiled at supported multifunction devices or at a desktop PC. Once captured, the data and document can be routed into a range of office products.

Using data extraction tools such as OMROCR, barcodes, keywords and even AI, documents are quickly indexed, named and stored ready for future retrieval. Umango can create a directory tree based on document index values or exported a wide range of destinations in virtually every imaginable format including DOCX, XLXS, TIFF, PDF, PDF/A or text searchable PDF/A.

Document Conversion

Convert on mass or convert one individual file into another file type as needed.


Umango is an on-ramp to YOUR business systems; connecting to how you want your information stored.

Data Extraction

Umango provides a number of flexible ways to 'read' the information you want to use.

Data Extraction

Umango provides a number of flexible ways to 'read' the information you want to use. For example you might want to read a pre-printed code, a barcode, use OCR to hunt for a word or phrase located in different positions on the paperwork or simply view an area on the paperwork allowing you to highlight the word to be extracted.

Once read, Umango can use this information to name the file, look up information in other business systems, create directories, be stored in a database or document management system.

Use the power Artificial Intelligence to hunt down and locate the data that you require.

AI Fields

Use the power Artificial Intelligence to hunt down and locate the data that you require.
Allow AI to analyze your documents and find data based on document types. Alternatively, tell Umango's AI engine the data you need to capture (using natural language) and let it go to work and find it for you.
Examples of AI field capture instructions are simple requests like, "Get the invoice number" or "Get the client ID that is near the invoice date"

Zonal OCR

Do you have documents with pre-printed information you want to extract?

You can specify Umango to read a pre-defined area of your business documents and convert the selected information or zone back into text. This text can then be used to name the file, create directories and be entered into a wide range of databases and backend systems.

The information you are looking for is not always in the same place in your scanned documents. 

Smart Seek

Using Smart Seek you can quickly and easily specify the structure of the data you are looking for and Umango will dynamically look for the information and extract the data. This can be done using simple formatting rules or you can use powerful regular [removed]regex) formatting or ask the AI engine to locate the data based on a natural language instruction.

In addition, if you know the data you are seeking is going to be near another word or phrase then you can include that as a rule in the Smart Seek configuration. You can set it as a related word to highlight or you can include it in a regular expression as a look behind or look ahead search. Take for example the word Invoice, using Umango Smart Seek you can look for that word even though it is not always going to appear in the same location on the document. Then, once the word is found Umango can highlight it and search for the data nearby based on the data structure format.

List of Values

The list of values function presents you with a selection of values to choose from a pre-defined list (that you have set), speeding up the way you validate or cross-reference your documents. You can create as many values to choose from as you require in order to be as specific as you need for that chosen data field.

When processing the documents, the list you have predefined is presented to the user for selection. This limits the user's choices and adds rules and controls around data categorizing and profiling.